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14 May 2020

The steel industry has played an important role in the COVID-19 national effort, donating PPE and supplying critical medical and food production supply chains. As the UK pulls together to rebuild our economy, the steel sector will continue to provide the foundation for successful manufacturing and construction industries. The new road and rail networks, energy infrastructure, low-carbon vehicles, food production, medical equipment, and new schools, hospitals and homes that will be the backbone of our recovery, will require a resilient, stable and sustainable supply of domestic steel.

The Government can look to the steel industry to both stimulate economic growth and ensure it is felt in those parts of the country that are critical to the success of the Government’s levelling up agenda. To perform this role, the industry requires short to medium term support in order to address the 45% reduction in demand for our products as a result of COVID-19. This report identifies three priority areas, along with a set of recommendations, for the Government to consider.

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