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Net Zero is when we achieve the critical balance between harmful greenhouse gases put into the atmosphere and those taken out – so it is about balancing input and output to reduce harm to the planet. Net Zero should be the goal of countries, individual towns, cities, industry and ultimately domestic homes if we are to tackle climate change successfully.

Why Net Zero and why now is important

Demystifying Net Zero

What do I need to do?

Get started with six simple steps

1. Install LED and low voltage bulbs and install lighting sensors

2. Install automatic doors to slash heat or cool air loss

3. Switch to buying electricity on renewable energy guaranteed origin tariffs (zero emission)

4. Reconfigure your office to maximise the use of daylit space

5. Hunt and eradicate waste

5a. Check your compressors and pumps for air and water leaks - introduce 6 monthly checks and repair the leaks.

5b. Install digital monitoring (e.g. temperature gauges or half-hour meters) of buildings and processes that will detect inefficiencies. Start small, one area or production line at a time.

6. Dedicate a percentage of your turnover to a ‘green fund’ for future bigger investments

Gradually introduce further measures such as:

Upgrading your manufacturing equipment 

  • Replacing compressors, pumps, ventilators, boilers with high efficiency equipment. 
  • Follow with larger machines such as heat turbines, laithes and presses. 
  • Installing a variable speed drive, a system that cuts machines off when they are not needed, instead of them running 24/7.

Improving your manufacturing processes  

Generating your own energy

Insulating your building or moving to a better environmentally performing one
Make UK has collaborated with the UK Business Climate Hub where you can find more detailed advice. 

SME Climate Hub sectoral specific recommendations  - Scroll down to the ‘Manufacturing sector’