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Looking to improve English skills amongst your diverse workforce? Do you need support delivering better Health and Safety training for migrant workers? 

If yes, then we can help. Developed in partnership between Make UK and FlashAcademy®, our Workplace English App supports employers to deliver learning for employees who don’t have English as their first language. A combination of technical and general English training from 20 home languages, the digital platform enables businesses to improve communication, safety, and productivity.

  • Ensure all employees engage with Health and Safety briefings and understand regulations in the workplace. The Workplace English App prioritises these essential areas to help workers operate safely.
  • Improves productivity while developing employee culture and communication with training that covers industry-specific vocabulary as well as developing general English skills.
  • Easy to set-up and less supervision needed. Accessible on all devices to allow companies to assign training that suits you and your employees - doesn’t require dedicated time away from production line
  • Targeted focus for employees who may be falling behind. A comprehensive dashboard makes it easy to track progress for reporting to management and stakeholders.

To register your interest in the Workplace English App, simply enter your details below.

About FlashAcademy®

For organisations seeking to unlock the potential of a diverse workforce, FlashAcademy® is a digital platform that helps to accelerate workplace specific English skills.  Improve business productivity, by better delivering health & safety training and technical vocabulary that helps migrant workers feel valued and more able to succeed in their role. 

The platform works across a range of devices for maximum flexibility and all training is delivered in the worker’s home language. 

The result of this one-of a-kind platform is a more integrated, productive workforce and a safer workplace for all employees.